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Teachers. Mentors. Practitioners. Experts. Role models. 

Years from now—when you’re completing a final exam for college, or preparing to deliver a major presentation at your first job—you’ll likely find yourself thinking back to an enduring lesson you learned from one of your Dana Hall teachers.
Our faculty members are as passionate about engaging meaningfully with students as they are about the subjects they teach. From the moment you arrive here, you’ll be surrounded by teachers who help students perform at a high level academically while providing exceptional support, attention, and insight to everyone in their classroom. Deeply curious and eager learners themselves, our teachers will inspire you every day with their enthusiasm, engaging coursework, and bedrock commitment to your personal and intellectual growth. A connection you make with a teacher during a calculus class, a photography studio, or a discussion of Toni Morrison can last a lifetime.


teaching faculty members


of teaching faculty

have advanced degrees


Faculty and staff members

reside on campus

Faculty/Staff Directory

< 1 2 3 4 5 13 > showing 41 - 60 of 249 constituents
Lindsay Cohen

Lindsay Cohen

Director of College Counseling
Liza Cohen

Liza Cohen

Director of Communications
Elizabeth Conca

Elizabeth Conca

Admission Office Administrative Assistant
Daniel  Congdon

Daniel Congdon

MS B Assistant Soccer Coach/MS A Basketball Coach/MS Assistant Softball Coach
Holly Congdon

Holly Congdon

Executive Assistant to the Head of School/10th Grade Class Dean
Elizabeth Connelly

Elizabeth Connelly

Senior Associate Director of Admission
Brian Cook

Brian Cook

Upper School Social Studies Faculty
Carly Corbacho

Carly Corbacho

Equestrian Center Senior Trainer
Dani Corkill

Dani Corkill

Equestrian Center Instructor and Special Programs Coordinator
Donna Corrigan

Donna Corrigan

Dean of Residential Life/International Student Advisor
Greg Crane

Greg Crane

Varsity Squash Coach
Allison Curran

Allison Curran

Upper School Math Faculty
Christine Day

Christine Day

Athletic Associate/MS A Volleyball Coach
Jillian DeBusk

Jillian DeBusk

Upper School Learning Specialist
Sarah Del Dotto

Sarah Del Dotto

Performing Arts Faculty/Music School Faculty
Linda Derezinski

Linda Derezinski

English Faculty
Junior Desrosiers

Junior Desrosiers

General Worker
Tom DiGiandomenico

Tom DiGiandomenico

Director of Facilities and Campus Safety