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Success Stories


Dana Hall teams and individuals have had success in both the EIL standings and NEPSAC post-season play. 

Dana Hall Athletes

Dana Hall athletes often go on to find success at the collegiate level, participating in sports in Divisions I, II and III.

“Dana Hall really prepared me to schedule my workload around practice to make sure that I am still getting everything done and still perform at my peak."A. Orent '20Volleyball
Cornell University

In 6th grade, I demonstrated my reverse chip to the varsity team and it went top shelf. They all cheered for me and made me feel so special! I loved my team and the long-lasting  memories we always made together."M. D'Angelo '21Field Hockey
Tufts University

Dana Hall prepared me for college athletics by reminding me to persist through even the hardest workouts and races and by providing me with the insight that passion for your sport is crucial for individual and team success. ” 
A. Sibold '20Cross Country
St. Lawrence University

Dana Hall athletes have earned accolades at the national and international competition level.

Samantha Roberts '18

Olympic Swimmer
Rio, 2016
Tokyo, 2020

Ginny Gilder '76

Olympic Rower
Moscow 1980 (boycotted)
Los Angeles 1984, silver medal

Liz Hills O'Leary '72

Olympic Rower
Montreal 1976
Moscow 1980 (boycotted)
Seoul 1988 (coach)

Karen Wennbergh Stives '68

Olympic Equestrian
Los Angeles 1984, gold and silver medal

Nancy Storrs '68

Olympic Rower
Montreal 1976
Moscow 1980 (boycotted)

Carol Cadwgan Lavell '61 

Olympic Equestrian
Barcelona 1992, bronze medal

The Roar

Pressure is Privilege

Athletics can be a way to safely test one's grit and determination, where instances of intense pressure are actually a privilege known by only those who choose to put themselves in front of the crowd.

Read More about Pressure is Privilege

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