The renovation and reinvention of the Upper School Classroom Building is the most transformative project in modern Dana Hall history—an investment of such great urgency that in April 2022 the Manton Foundation challenged the School to raise $4 million by December 31, 2022. The stakes were high: the Dana Hall community needed to meet the all-or-nothing challenge in order to receive the matching funds from the Manton Foundation. The challenge was in addition to a generous donation of $10 million the Foundation had already made in support of the project.
Dana Hall’s community of parents, alumnae, alumnae parents, grandparents, faculty and staff answered the call: 284 donors made gifts and pledges that totaled $6.021 million.
Meeting the Manton Foundation’s challenge ensures that Dana Hall can complete the project without a reduction in scope. “We are seeing true philanthropy in action,” Head of School Katherine Bradley told the assembled guests at the project’s ceremonial groundbreaking. “Many of our leadership donors are past parents or alumnae, and do not have children who will learn inside of the new building. They are supporting this effort because they believe in our School. They are committed to securing the spaces and places where future learners will master new concepts and tackle important questions. They want Dana Hall to continue to shine brightly and remain an institution with a distinctive mission and powerful sense of purpose.”
Students and faculty returned from winter break to find the majority of the concrete poured for the building, steel erected on what used to be the Academic Office wing and Dana Road moved and raised. The project remains on schedule for completion next winter.
The School continues to raise important funds for this project, including the opportunity to name a seat in Waldo Auditorium. Learn more about the opportunity and view live footage of the project.