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Green Means Go

Green Means Go

The Middle School Green Action Club recently paid a visit to the Wellesley Recycling & Disposal Facility (RDF) where they learned about the RDF's contributions toward a healthier planet. The visit linked nicely with a couple of initiatives the students have been working on, said 7th Grade Science Teacher and Green Action Club Advisor Caroline Blair.

Beginning this month, the club has been assisting with collecting Middle School classroom paper recyclables to help with the campus recycling of paper. At the RDF, club members learned “how paper and cardboard is baled and readied for remaking as new cardboard boxes, cereal boxes, and paper towels and napkins, which caught the students’ attention,” Blair said. They also learned about the composting of leaves, Christmas trees and organic debris into commercial-grade spreadable mulch and citizen-ready composted soil.

Susan Zelenko P28, who leads the Parents’ Association’s Sustainability Committee, also attended the RDF field trip and said, “The students had some thoughtful questions that admittedly I hadn’t even thought of. In-person visits like this make recycling a living subject that they will not soon forget.”

The club also presented a slideshow on climate change at a recent Middle School Morning Meeting. The presentation was done in conjunction with a 3-D bulletin board they constructed in the lower level of the Middle School building.

The Middle School Green Action Club is one of two Dana Hall green student initiatives. The other — the Green Action Sustainability Committee — comprises Middle and Upper School students who meet during a cross-over lunch period. This group is working on a light pollution mural and hosting next month’s textile/clothing drive.

Students hear from workers at the Wellesley Recycling & Disposal Facility
Students learn how Christmas trees become mulch at the Wellesley Recycling & Disposal Facility